Friday, June 6, 2008

An atheist's take on religion

From the dawn of civilization, if there has been one thing which has molded and shaped the destiny of countless human beings, which has caused wars, ravaged kingdoms, blinded generations and persisted till date despite its futile nature, it is RELIGION.
Religion paints a beautiful picture of CREATION (which is distinctly remote to truth) and simplifies the entire process by neglecting Science in a haughty and superior manner. Falling to such baloney was understandable in the medieval ages but do we see men of this modern world, where knowledge is expanding beyond horizons, clamoring for such religious gibberish?
What has bamboozled them to such an extent? What is so hallowed about these scriptures? Is it the tales of miracles which awe them? When you lie there on the bed, with a dreadful disease, which makes you howl and wither and cry in pain, none of your Gods will come and heal you, your prophets and priests and saints and sages will do no more than pacify you with promises about Heaven. Science and medicine is that which will cure you and treat your appalling disease as if it were no more than a pestering mosquito which needs to be squashed
We have been told that we are given a free will but we are also condemned to suffer for the original sin(s) committed by our supposed ancestors. Is this a fair choice? It appears more like a game of loaded die. “You are given a free will but the natural inclinations of your mind will be towards evil.” What kind of sanctification is this? Or does GOD want you to shut your mind and follow Him like a herd.
“When you put fences around people, you get sheep.” And a mere sheep can be of exploit to no one save the men who read aloud the dogmas they formulate according to their own will and put a stamp of divinity on it to make it ever-abiding.
What proof do we have of the truthfulness of claims made by the priests? What proof that God Himself gave Moses the Ten Commandments? Are historical recordings a proof? The history of religions speaks of nothing more than bloodthirsty crusades and treacherous plots with hideous manipulations.
We cling to the teachings of other men because somewhere along the line we commit treason and besmirch our self-image. This makes us distrust our mind and turn to others, not knowing that they are parasites themselves. Where do we ask forgiveness? A moment lost cannot be regained; a man killed cannot be brought back, no matter how much we cry, no matter how much ash we daub on our body.
What kind of heaven does religion want us to crave for? Is it a place where people just bask and fool around and sing songs in praise of the Almighty? Is our God so snobbish?
This is no heaven. Heaven is a place where you struggle uphill, beleaguered, where the streams of knowledge run free, where the light of erudition conquers the darkness of ignorance. Heaven is right here, under our feet.
God wants us to proceed logically (Math is the language that Nature speaks). Even if He exists, He would be more exultant to see you IGNORE HIS PRESENCE until you have found a proper scientific reason of His acknowledgement, than follow the religious wretches blindly.

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